van Gool, Magdalena Jansdr.

Birth Name van Gool, Magdalena Jansdr.
Also Known As van Gool, Magdaleentje
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father van Gool, Jan Gijsbertszn.about 1615before 1715
Mother van den Havick, Aeltge Cornelisdr.about 16201700-06-29
    Sister     van Gool, Lijsbeth Jansdr. 1643-10-25 1697-12-28
    Brother     van Gool, Adrianus Janszn. 1645-02-12 before 1745
    Sister     van Gool, Catharina Jansdr. 1646-09-23 before 1746
    Brother     van Gool, Huijbert Janszn. 1649-01-21 about 1692
         van Gool, Magdalena Jansdr. 1653-09-28 1721-10-07
    Brother     van Gool, Gijsbert Janszn. 1655-12-05 before 1755
    Brother     van Gool, Cornelis Janszn. 1660-08-08 before 1760


Family of Storm, Gijsbert and van Gool, Magdalena Jansdr.

Married Husband Storm, Gijsbert ( * about 1645 + before 1745 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1673-10-22 Woudrichem, Gemeente Altena, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands   2a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Storm, Kornelis1688-08-08
Storm, Johannes1735-01-27
Storm, Catharijna Gijsbertsdr.1745-12-06
Storm, Joris Gijsbertszn.1777-09-09
Storm, Johannesbefore 1678-04-10
Storm, Catharijn Gijsbertsdr.before 1681-06-15
Storm, Elisabeth Gijsbertsdr.before 1785
Storm, Cornelis Gijsbertszn.before 1788
Storm, Alettebefore 1790
Storm, Johanna Corneliabefore 1792
Storm, Wijnandtbefore 1793
Storm, Suzanna Agatabefore 1795

Family Map

Source References

  1. Woudrichem: Woudrichem NDG Doopboek (Church Rec. Baptism)
      • Date: 1653-09-28
      • Page: 16521114-16540128
      • Woudrichem NDG Doopboek 16521114-16540128
  2. Woudrichem: Woudrichem NDG Trouwboek (Church Rec. Marriage)
      • Date: 1673-10-22
      • Page: 16730701-16731022
      • Woudrichem NDG Trouwboek 16730701-16731022