
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Buurman. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Buurman, Bernardus 1799-09-15 1851-08-12 Pieck, Catharina
Buurman, Bernardus Catharinus 1853-12-25 1942-11-05  
Buurman, Carlina Bernardina 1839-11-23 1871-07-20 Borg, Daniel
Buurman, Hendrina Cornelia 1857-02-22 1934-05-05  
Buurman, Mattheus Dirk 1827-03-01 1861-09-02 Kentie, Hendrina Cornelia
Buurman, Sophia Wilhelmina 1829-06-05 1912-02-01 Kentie, Adrianus, Vink, Gerrit