
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Burgers. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Burgers 1910-06-26 1910-06-26  
Burgers, Arie 1861-12-24 1947-04-26 Sonneveld, Martha
Burgers, Arie 1911-11-28 before 2011 van Diepen, Geertruida Antonia Maria
Burgers, Catharina 1913-12-29 before 2013 Stalborch, Hendrik Evert
Burgers, Christina Adriana about 1924-02 1924-03-12  
Burgers, Frans Adrianus 1888-06-16 before 1988 Vogel, Dina
Burgers, Martha 1916-10-23 2005-09-28 Postma, Martinus Jacobus