
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bruijne. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
de Bruijne, Adriana 1916-02-29 before 2016  
de Bruijne, Albertus Dirk 1914-07-09 before 1988 Boucherie, Wilhelmina
de Bruijne, Cornelis Leendert 1881-12-08 1957-06-03 Reijnhout, Tannetje
de Bruijne, Jacobus 1862-05-29 1886-04-23 Koole, Adriana
de Bruijne, Jacobus Francois 1886-06-05 1933-02-28 de Vaal, Cornelia Suzanna
de Bruijne, Jacobus François 1910-07-21 1985-01-23 van Huizen, Tannetje
de Bruijne, Johannis 1908-10-14 before 2008 Boer, Neeltje