
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Baars. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Baars, Andries 1895-09-14 1976-05-05 Kentie, Cornelia Hendrina Elizabeth
Baars, Anthonia Andréa 1928-09-11 2014-05-09 Zinsmeister, [Living]
Baars, Antonia 1886-03-22 1939-09-09 van der Meer, Hilbert
Baars, Gerarda 1919-09-10 1943-09-17  
Baars, Hendrik 1867-01-21 1931-01-24 Bijl, Aaltje
Baars, Johannes Frederikus 1892-04-05 1966-01-23 Schaap, Robbertina
Baars, Theodorus 1851-12-13 1924-03-16 Nijland, Grada
Baars, [Living]     van der Lugt, [Living]