
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Heshusius. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Heshusius, Aartje 1896-08-18 1959-08-18  
Heshusius, Abram Jacobus 1841-02-05 1878-05-04 Havelaar, Beatrix Willemina
Heshusius, Abram Jacobus 1895-08-03 1952-08-18 van der Hoeven, Aaltje Ariaantje
Heshusius, Adam 1870-08-17 1952-08-30 de Joode, Kommerina Adriana
Heshusius, Beatrix Wilhelmina 1902-06-08 1902-09-14  
Heshusius, Cornelis Frederikus 1898-06-23 1899-08-23  
Heshusius, Cornelis Frederikus 1899-09-28 1961-09-27 Uittenbogaard, Antje
Heshusius, Neeltje 1871-09-21 1960-01-12 Struik, IJmert